Happy Halloween

This is a reprint of a musing I posted in 2006, with modifications. I thought it still fitting! Sheri

This month I've been musing about Samhain, pronounced "Sow-ain, Sow-en, or SAW in," more commonly known as Halloween or All Hallow's Eve though Samhain was believed to mark summer's end rather than signal our little spooks and goblins to run door to door giggling as they try to scream, "Trick-or-Treat."

There are many, MANY references alluding to Samhain, which, of course causes me to muse. I don't know the true origins of the Halloween we celebrate today though I've heard many different accounts. I've read that the ancient Celts believed Samhain was a time when the old year died and the new one was born again on November 1st. Samhain said goodbye to summer and ushered in winter.

The references I find the most fascinating are those that state that Samhain is a time of transition, from old to new, death to life/life to death, the known to the unknown. It is said that the veil that separates the world of the living from that of the dead is at its thinnest at this time . . . allowing the souls of the dead to cross back into the land of the living, if only for a short while. In preparation, the living would offer fruits and vegetables and light hilltop bonfires to serve as a guide for these souls. The bonfires were kept lit all night not only as beacons, but to frighten away evil spirits and protect the living from harm.

I've always believed Halloween a magical time, a moment when the impossible becomes plausible and reality blurs. Plus, it means November 1st isn't far behind, which never fails to make me smile. If you think you know why November 1st is special to me, post a reply to this blog before November 15th with your answer as well as why you like Halloween, and I'll place your name in a hat for a chance to win a signed copy of OMNIBUS.

Happy Halloween!
